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Atlas V Campaign Continues For Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Launch August 10

Illustration of MRO
Cape Canaveral FL (SPX) Jul 14, 2005
The Launch Vehicle Readiness Test continues for the Atlas V 401 launch vehicle that will be use to send the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to Mars. A countdown wet dress rehearsal with the launch vehicle fully fueled was completed July 7.

Power-on testing continues to go well. Solar arrays are to be deployed, inspected and stowed for launch. The Centaur upper stage for the Atlas V is at the Vertical Integration Facility (VIF) at SLC-41. It was hoisted atop the Atlas stage to begin checkout.

Spacecraft fueling is scheduled for July 18. A spin test to ensure balance of the spacecraft will be completed by July 20.

The MRO will be transported from the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility to the VIF in late July. It will join the Atlas V for the final phase of launch preparations.

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MRO's Countdown Launch Rehearsal Approaches
Cape Canaveral FL (SPX) Jun 17, 2005
Power-on testing continues. On June 6, the spacecraft's flight batteries were installed and activated. Autonomous self-testing was completed June 14. Installation of the thermal blankets is under way.